I just read Lynnx01's blog and cannot help, wanting to talk about the food that we had in Dunedin. The first night we arrived in Dunedin, we had Japanese food. I thought all they had was sushi but I was wrong. They also have miso soup, etc. I don't really know the names of the food. Clueless, you could say. But boy.. the noodle soup was so yum. I just love it.
The second day we got back from walking in University of Otago, I talked my friends into eating at another Japanese restaurant. They wanted to eat at Subway but they agreed to come with me in the end. I can't blame myself for craving the noodle soup. They are just so hard to resist.

This is making my mouth watering now. It just looks so nice. I think I can see 'taugeh'.
Hmm.. my favourite..
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