Wednesday, 31 December 2008


Hmm.. I am more of a grown up now and I should know a bit more of the world economy. I did, anyhow read the newspaper or the news on the net about the global economy crisis. Many people are starting to lose their jobs due to some companies closing down. The recent one is a private school in Auckland.

Hehe.. I only kept up with the news in NZ. At least I am making an effort to know about NZ. Usually I am not the type of person who would read so much news. It's the holidays and I have nothing better to do. So I might as well read the newspaper or the news on the net.

Halfway reading these news, I switched my attention to other news. There was earthquakes in the lower part of the North Island. Oh this is NZ, by the way. Hehe.. Anyway, back to my main point.
I guess this is where the debt management plans comes in. You need to plan your finance so you don't get caught in losing your money or your job.

Talking about this, you know what, people who are graduating and finding a job now are probably finding it hard to get a job relating to what they are studying. I will probably be in the same situation in one or two years time.

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