Sunday, 22 November 2009


Reading something that interest you always makes you feel good about the story as it does to me. I usually get very hung up over the storybook. If I get disturbed halfway, my mood follows the story plot. If the story plot had the woman or man in anger, you tend to find me angry and annoyed. Yea.. I have always been like that.

I just finished reading The Boleyn Inheritance last week and I wanted to continue reading the trilogy. I have read The Other Boleyn Girl but forgot how the story plot is like so I went back to watch the movie. I love the way they phrased their English. It's funny how these things are literature and I don't like literature. Well, I think I just don't like to write essay or study too deep about it. I prefer to read or study them in my own interest.


LX said...

You should try reading The Importance of Being Earnest. Very witty with the language. Or Pride and Prejudice.

jazz said...

hmm.. i will try the first one but i dont want to read pride and prejudice. it's very hard to read. i tried reading it when i was in high sch.