Wednesday, 27 May 2009

A change

I am here again. I should be studying but I just felt like putting down something in this blog. I forgot when I changed this blog's layout. It does looks nice. :P How forgetful of me. I changed the other blog's layout as well. Just felt like a change.

I have been putting a lot of my time into study. I do get a bit of breaks at times. Just going online or just bumming around in the room or watches some series of documentaries I got from someone.

This is probably another physcological in the head that drinking tea makes me pay attention more to my studies. I am going to get immune from the teas soon enough. Oh drinking energy drinks are not good so I better stop. I still have 2 more Wednesday classes without breaks so I still need to drink. After that, I will stop. Yea.. it's not like I am addicted. I used to think I was but you see, I did not even feel like buying them after some time. Anyway, I shall get back to assignment and tests revision.

Assignment is due next Friday and lab tests are Tuesday and Wednesday.

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