Friday, 18 June 2010

Recycle, that's what you do, recycle

It rained last night so the car is not 'iced' this morning. Saved us the time on watering the car.

I know this is random but the thought of making something of the toilet rolls or recycling them came to me when I was in the toilet last night, pulling the toilet rolls. I also thought how many people are there in the world using toilet paper and guess how many toilet rolls are being produced each year.

Now I may not show the attitude of recycling but I am quite into this. I recycle most of the papers I found at home and put them into the right bin (provided by the council). That is the most of what I can do as an individual.

I would also love to work for a company who does recycling. Yeah, I think I am kind of into environmental sustainability.

I would love to babble on and on about these but it is hard to put them in words properly so I am going to say that I am into environment issues. Hohoho...

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Stage Fright

Attended a talkshow for work yesterday. As usual, there was lucky draw for winners. Guess what, I was the first one they called on. I really couldn't believe my eyes. And ears too. The CEO who announced it had to repeat my number twice and said 'I know you're in here'. So yeah, I got to shook hands with the CEO and up close with him. It's cool because I think most staff don't get to be up close and actually shook hands with the CEO.

It's amazing that the people on the stage can really talk in front of audiences. Not a lot of people can do that. Me, for example. I almost froze when I stood on the stage. Had to turn my attention on the CEO before I stood there speechless. It would be ultimate embarrassment, you know. =S

Tuesday, 15 June 2010


I have a feeling the domain is gone. Gone gone gone. My favourite place to rant on is gone. =S

So have been renting movies to watch at home. I love the fact that I can snuggle in between blankets and in comfortable clothes. I might keep doing this until I am sick of it. Hohoho.. Some movies are not worth watching in the cinema, that is, in my opinion.

Also been watching scary/horror movies. Then switching to thriller or comedy, it gets boring. Hoho not that I am complaining. Just making my heart beat slower and my eyes blink less.

Monday, 14 June 2010


The main blog server is down. Sigh. There is a possibility that we would have to get a new one.

So right now, I am just throwing everything here.

I have lots to say but I am not in the mood to post anything. =S

Sunday, 13 June 2010

I am here

Lol the last time I updated was two months ago. So much has happened since then.

Agreed that this blog is kind of being abandoned.

Anyway, new job was great. At least I feel secure having some income coming in besides getting some experience and something to do. =)

Recently just hooked up my stereo systems to the tv. It is nice to watch movies with some bass on. Oh and the tv series too. At times, it feels like, being in the cinema except that it is bright. Since we do not switch off the lights in the living room.