The other blogging site of mine where I blogged about everything from opinions to what I experienced.
Thursday, 28 February 2008
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
Sleeping time
So I am moving out into a house with friends. And I am renting a house which is unfurnished. That means I would definitely need to buy furniture. The first thing that I would need to buy is a bed. That is the most important thing because you would need to sleep on a bed on the first night you arrived the house. You definitely don’t need other stuff on the first night. Isn’t it true? For those who have moved from house to house, they will definitely know.
So, I should probably refer to this website on beds. The beds shown there are so amazing and looks so high classed. There are leather beds, foam mattress, style beds, etc. There are really different types of beds from antique to leather beds. They also have bedroom furniture for those who wanted to decorate their room. There are the next day beds, next day mattresses and special offers on sale. I should start looking around if I really wanted to buy one when I move in. Even better, the delivery is free if the orders are more than £499. I think I probably will buy more than that as the house I am moving into is unfurnished.
At the moment, I am still feeling dizzy and jetlag. I went to bed early. Oh by the way, know what? I guess I was just so blur till I put in the wrong side of the contacts into different eyes. No wonder the dizziness. So stupid of me. Today is the second day of classes and clubs day too. Hopefully there's more people joining ICF this year. Anyway, I better go now. Class starts at 9am.
Monday, 25 February 2008
Black Friday
Are you the kind who likes shopping a lot and yet feel that you don’t want to waste any money or feel that you burn a hole in the pocket when you shopped? Well, there is a black Friday website which can help you save money while you shopped. The black Friday is the day after thanksgiving and has a lot of items on sale for shoppers.
It is a hassle when you shopped and yet you have to stand in line. So shopping online is the best solution for those who hate to go out to the shops and be squeezed by the crowds while shopping.
By the way, this site offers email alerts for customers and would let customers know when the new black Friday ads has been posted. It is really consumer friendly and it is definitely useful when you are planning to buy lots of stuff for holidays, for example, Christmas.
So far, I haven’t found my favourite merchant as I haven’t browsed around properly. I am sure I will find something I like after I finish browsing around the website. How about you? What is your favourite merchant? Which one do you like? Tell me about it.
Thursday, 21 February 2008
Still here
I did keep touching my teeth and some of it were gone already.
Ah.. just when I was about to pull more, I woke up. My alarm woke me up, telling me it is 9.30am. It's not that I don't want to sleep in. I wanted to get up because today is my birthday and I wanted to go online. I am so excited because my friends wished me happy birthday. One of my closest friends commented that I am getting fat.
I know, I ate a lot. I have been eating non-stop since I got back in November. Who wouldn't want to eat home-cooked food. I had a lot of cravings while I was away. So when I was back home, I listed out my cravings. Not pregnant, it's just that I wanted to eat. :)
Concrete Garages
When I first moved overseas to further study, I did not know how houses outside my country look like. I don’t think I expected to see anything different or the same. When I arrived in
One thing, so far I have not seen garages in
And I find that some houses are small and yet have no garages. I think those who doesn’t have garage for their houses should have one. Concrete garages can be an alternative. Since some places in
Debt free
Ever having problems with financial situation? So if you have financial problems, debt management plans can help. There is information on IVA advice, debt advice, downloadable debt help guide, debt consolidation, credit card debt help, debt management, citizen advice on debt advice, personal insolvency in
They don’t charge you for the advice given or even pass your information to third party so there is no need to worry about anything.
What they can actually do is to cut people’s debts, often by more than half, freeze the interest that you pay eg credit card or stop creditor action against you.
So far, I haven’t had any financial problems. I am still a student so I still depend on my parents to support me. But let’s say if I were to have financial experiences, I would certainly go for the free advice debt management plans has.
By the way, there is a forum where people can chat among each other. You can ask for advices or give advices to each other. If you have questions, you can turn to the faqs for answers. If you cannot find your type of questions, you can always call the support. I am sure they will respond as soon as possible.
Travel things you like to know
So, you like travelling to new places to see wonders of the cities? Before this, travellers are probably sceptical about the places they are going to visit. I mean, who won’t be. I travel too and I would like to know what is there before I go to the places. Example, when I went to
Sigh, anyway, back to the topic. So you can read whatever was reviewed on travelling on The Innovative Traveller. There are reviews on telling you on lost luggage if you do lose yours. Or a review on how to deal with motion sickness if you have any. Now, don’t you think it is really good?
Maybe you would even like more to know about the secret lives of travellers. You would want to know where they have gone and what they have been doing, right? How about knowing where the entire lost luggage goes? You would be wondering if no one came to claim their lost luggage. If it is me, I would want to know.
Anyway, for short, the innovative traveller is definitely an exciting new travel resource for compulsive and curious travellers. They do cover a lot of topics which curious travellers would definitely read. Oh by the way, do you want to read a review on someone learning from people who lives in airport? I do because sometimes I wonder if people working in airports do stay there more than 12 hours. It is almost like living there because they work for more than 12 hours.
Definitely will update if I have news.
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Advice on marketing
Let me describe a bit about Marketing Minefield. They aim to help entrepreneurs and small businesses to plan promotional strategy through providing expert articles and advice on almost all the promotional possibilities open to new businesses.
There are a lot of articles on advertisings ideas to student marketing which I find it very useful. I could even think of starting a business now and read more articles from Marketing Minefield on the marketing tips and strategies.
Maybe I can make the dream of having cousins' business...
marketing tips and strategiesuk
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
I am famous too
Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at
Discount Magazine Subscriptions - Save big!
Monday, 18 February 2008
Sigh, I am losing my mood each day. I am supposed to be excited because my birthday is coming and two friends are coming to
Well, at least I haven’t lost my mood over blogging.
Reason for the loss of mood: my flatmate and I decided to move out after our homestay family bought a house which I assume to be far from university. They wanted to introduce some other homestay but we would be separated. So we decided to move out on our own.
My rants: I wouldn’t like to consider as homestay because we are big enough to look after ourselves. We only want to move into the place because there are two rooms and they include food in our rent. They set up rules for us as well. So that is considered as homestay. One more thing, I did not know anything until my flatmate told me. How come the homestay family never emailed me?
My wrong-doings: Maybe I did decide too quickly and did not even ask for more opinions. I should have been more careful and I do admit I am wrong there. Sorry for the problems caused but I should be allowed to let out my feelings here in the blog where I did say once that it is my place for ranting.
Decision: We decide to re-apply to go back to
Don’t you think my font looks nice? Hehe..
Sunday, 17 February 2008
Chinese New Year
During Chinese New Year (CNY), my parents and I went to

Fancy setting online business
If you happen to be living in the
This software has thousands of features. I am not telling, it is for you to find out. Don’t worry, they have a 10 day trial for you to see if you really like it or not. If you really like it, you can continue. It is definitely affordable ecommerce software. They have fully customized design for you to choose from. By the way, they accept credit cards online so it should be easier for people to buy online.
You are also free to test drive their demo store's to see the advanced functionality for yourself. The content is updated and you can do that by yourself easily. Besides this features, you can compare ashop commerce's leading shopping cart software. There are smart packages that you can take to find out the right pricing plan to best suit business. There's no hidden fees and there's faster return on your investment too.
Saturday, 16 February 2008
Valentine's Day
Sorry to make people feel down about me saying this but this is what I think. No, there's no nice photos of Valentine gifts like her, her and her. Anyway, for those who celebrate, have a great time.

Friday, 15 February 2008
Ashop Commerce
Thinking about shopping online? Or you would like to start business online instead? Well, if you would like to, you can try hosted shopping cart by Ashop Commerce. It is a leading provider of hosted shopping cart software and it offers a complete solution for people to sell online.
With shopping cart software, you will be earning money in time as a seller. It is quite efficient in a way for buyers. They can just choose whichever they like to buy into the shopping cart and the payment and shipping comes much later.
Actually it is interesting to create an online store, it is web based, for example ecommerce software and there is no installation required. It accepts credit card online, making it easier for lots of other buyers who has credit card online. There's lots of features and easy to be used, like I mention before. There is a free trial online for you to see whether you really like it or not.
shopping cart
Reading this cousin’s blog about hitting double-2 this year really make me think, I am turning 21 soon. I don’t think I sound or act as a 21-year-old woman. Woman? I thought myself more like a high school girl. Maybe the thought of others influences my thinking. Not that I am praising myself. It’s true as to what they said. I know those are compliments and I really appreciate very much. Thanks to them. It makes me feel young. At the same time, I really need to feel 21, quoting cousin.
So, I thought I should try this out. Smorty is a service connecting advertisers with bloggers. They have opportunity tasks from advertiser which bloggers can get paid to write about opinion posts and they will need to link back to the advertisers' site.
I used to get teased about my written English. I always have problems with grammars and sentence structure. I started reading more articles and other people's blogs. I think doing this can help me. Also, if I choose to write more often, I could also improve my English. So I thought while I need to improve my English, I should take up Smorty to write more and also helping advertisers to advertise their things.
blog advertising
Modern Furniture
You see, when it comes to furniture, I prefer modern furniture. Maybe comfortable and nice. There is a great variety of modern furniture stock at modern line furniture. They have unique and exclusive models on colours and styles. One good thing is that they can deliver for me and it is fast too.
What I can do is, I just choose whatever furniture I like, get it shipped and when I go back, I don't have to settle any furniture already. Isn't this good? Plus, they also offer flat fee shipping cost anywhere for any order size. So it doesn't matter where I get it shipped to, it will be the same price, I think.
modern furniture
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Photograph enlargement
Anyone would love to have their family digital photographs enlarged, printed out and hang in their house, either it be the bedroom or the living room. I am not sure how some people may do it but that is me personally. I mean, you are often in the living room; either watching television or reading or doing something else and you would glance at the wall to see your family photograph, right?
When printing your photographs, you definitely need photographic paper because it provides the most accurate or direct reproduction of your image. Professional photographers often favoured them as it makes the photographs look nice and professional.
Bonded to optically clear acrylic, a wonderful, contemporary effect is created that is like having a photograph behind glass, but with no frame.
Therefore, we can rely on them to produce the best and confirm which photographic printing paper is needed for a certain photograph. They supply the relevant fixings together with detailed instructions as to how to hang your photographic print to its best effect.
Best of all, you can just email them. If you happen to have hard copy, you can just post to them. Actually, there is even a better one, just fill in the online form.

Audio Visual Projectors
I think I have seen at least one projector in every lecture hall in my university. Seems like projectors are really important these days, maybe it was because lecturers use computers or laptops to project their lecture notes or slides for students. I do hope they use audio visual projectors because I think it is easier and lecturers don’t have to talk at times.
Anyway, I think I would like to have one for the use of office. I am sure working people do use projectors. So for those who work in office and in need of more projectors, I think reflex can help because they are a specialist audio visual company and provide high quality audio visual solutions to end user organisations in the public and private sectors. Their goal is to offer our clients solutions based around the latest technology and products and to deliver them to the very highest standards.
Apparently, you can design your own projector and they will install for you. Don’t worry; their engineers are all health and safety trained.
Have a look at the website and look around. They have products which you would definitely want to have a look at. You can contact them at the head office location or call at the telephone numbers for more information or fax them.

When I walked into this room in
Garden Buildings
Are you living in big city or countryside? If you are either living countryside or just anywhere where houses have spaces for gardening space, you should consider gardening. It is definitely good for environment because you probably have heard of global warming. Probably carbon dioxide makes the earth very warm so having a garden in each house does help a little to the environment.
Thinking about gardens reminds me of the empty space in my garden. I should put some chairs and garden table to make it lively. I like high quality wooden tables and chairs so I should consider garden buildings which combine the innovative design with the natural beauty of wood and glass; traditional materials combine with sophisticated technology to create a garden building with a difference.
Besides providing garden buildings, they also have high quality wooden furniture for office, gym or games room. By the way, you get to choose what size you like for your instead of them choosing for you. However, there are limited sizes.
The Garden Escape is available in a comprehensive range of standard sizes, our most popular being: 9.6, 10.2, 12, 13.8, 15.6, 17.4, 20.8, 23, and 27.3 square metres. We also offer a bespoke service which enables you to tailor the dimensions very much to your own requirements and allotted space. These start from 8 sq metres and go up to 30 sq metres.
Tuesday, 12 February 2008

It is just such a wonderful view, isn't it?
UK casino online
Casinos just reminds me of those slots in there and once you insert a coin, press a button, you wait for the screen to show jackpot. If you are lucky, jackpot might come out and you are rich. Anyway, I am here to talk about online casinos where you don’t see those things. It is not so bad comparing it when you are playing in person. It just means you have more time for yourself to have strategies to win. The website, UK casino online, casino online casino reviews and listings of progressive jackpots which you can read or just browse through to get ideas or strategies. Plus, the website will guide you through the online casino bonuses and also teach you on how to cash in on those incentives. I don’t know if there is anyone helping you if you play the slots in person. You can even stay up to date with the current
I was also thinking, for those who are working during daytime, you might be tired at night and it is a hassle to go out at night to the casino to play. So, with online casino, I am sure it will be easy as to switch on the computer and go on the internet to play just from the comfort of your house. Now, isn’t that good enough?
UK Casino OnlineSunday, 10 February 2008
Just the other day, my cousins and I were talking about my post on Captain Planet and suddenly we were talking about Power Rangers. I told them there are few types of Power Rangers, examples like power rangers time force, power rangers spd, mighty morphin power rangers, etc. Just now, I browsed the channels and found another type of power rangers called power rangers ninja storm. But hey, I wasn’t watching, I just had a look at the title of the programme. My cousins thought I was still into power rangers programme. No, I am not. It’s so lame to watch it but it just reminds me so much of the time I used to watch. I didn’t even realise there were so many types of power rangers.
Online Casino
I was in
Joyland Casino has incredible bonus offers and promotions, starting with an $808 Welcome Bonus for new players. That is really good for me as I will be considered a new player when I joined. And if I have any questions, I could always refer to faq or the help section. So, I should just download the game and play. Hmm.. good.
Friday, 8 February 2008
What is insurance? I found the meaning from
In simple terms, insurance allows someone who suffers a loss or accident to be compensated for the effects of their misfortune. It lets you protect yourself against everyday risks to your health, home and financial situation.
So if you ever want to buy insurance, there is a way for you to buy insurance online instead of going to an insurance office. This saves your time going in and out from the house and your money on transportation.
Insurance is here to protect you from all the worst things that could possibly happen to you. Insurance is a state of mind. Without it and you are always worrying, with it and you never have to worry about what will happen to your finances in case the worst happens. You need to feel safe, you need to guarantee your assets, you need someone to have your back, and you need insurance.
There are 4 types of insurance on EZ insurance portal, home insurance, auto insurance, life insurance and health insurance. Knowing that you have these to choose from and to buy, you won’t feel unsafe. By the way, there is even an insurance blog for you to read if you have any questions in mind.
I didn't want to blog night after night, after getting back from the day outing because I was tired and I didn't have the mood. Besides, I want to spend time talking to my cousin. It isn't always I could spend time with her or the other cousin.
By the way, today is first day of Chinese New Year. Last night, we had CNY eve's dinner. My cousins' friends and two cousins were around for dinner which made this year's dinner merrier. I am glad there are more people. It is always merrier if there are more people.
Thursday, 7 February 2008
Cash Advance
There comes a time when anyone, I mean just anyone will definitely need to have a payday loan so why not try out this cash advance where you can immediately have cash out to you when you really need money at that moment. The funds are deposited right into the account after you are done with applying and qualifying for a payday loan. This is quick and easy because, in many cases there are no documents to fax. They deposit the money electronically into your checking or savings if you want to know.
Really, these cash advances sites offer flexible payment options and discrete services that gets you the cash for your need.
So, don’t wait now and get it.
I like this kind of option because I always have the chance to go overseas but I do not have a lot of cash to splash for my shopping. Therefore, this is good for me.
I just came back from