The other blogging site of mine where I blogged about everything from opinions to what I experienced.
Tuesday, 31 July 2007
You know what happen just now. I was cooking and this flatmate did not wash the saucepan and put it there to dry. OMG, I must have been using that dirty saucepan to cook. Ew.. I am so sick... I feel like vomitting. I immediately washed the saucepan after the flatmate went off.
Really, it must be so hard to live with guys.
Monday, 30 July 2007
Anyone want coupons for shopping?
But when you shop online, do you get discounts like you normally do when you go to buy supplies in the shops? Yes, that is another good news.
This site is an online coupon website where people can save money by using coupon codes when shopping online. It is also updated daily with the latest coupons and product deals. With these coupons, you can get discounts when you are buying supplies or stuff that you need. They have variety of coupons ranges from cell phones to furniture and food to books.
Saturday, 28 July 2007
More Problems
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Friend A
I feel kind of very sorry for this friend of mine. I'll name this friend A and refer as him as to protect the identity.
Anyway, he doesn't know that whenever he talks, he speaks quite rudely. I've been watching him when he talks to people. One time, I followed him to the travel agent centre to book his tickets to go back to Malaysia. I was listening to them talking, the travel agent kept asking the same question and he kept giving different answers, each time asking what the travel agent was talking about. I do understand that some travel agent can be really rude but in this case, it's the friend's problem. He did not understand her at all.
I also watched him talking to other people, the way he phrased his question, it's just so wrong. It sounds rude to me though I don't know if those people felt it or not.
I want to help this friend but it seems like he doesn't want to be helped. So, I don't really know. So, I am going to just leave it like that and close the case. Let it be if he doesn't want to be helped.
Whose favourite is hockey?
Worry not; to those hockey players and whose favourite sport is hockey, this site called Hockey’s Future is here to provide a lot of information, like top prospects, ISS top 10, forums, NHL Organization rankings etc.
There is even news and radio on hockey. How cool is that? You don’t normally find radio on any website, right? Plus, there are links which can link you to a lot of other sites. Or you can browse or search at the search page. Search for anything you want to know. Everything is there.
You can also find a lot more other country team pages. To avoid forgetting the site link, you can add to your favourite.
So, why wait? Get to this website now and start checking out stuff.
Tuesday, 24 July 2007
BBW Romance
It must be really frustrating to think how to find romance? Well, this site provides the solutions. The site could help you to find a lot of other single individuals who, like you are also looking for their one.
Give yourself a chance; you never know when you will find the right person.
Also, the site offers a search page and a browse photo for you to search. Even better, they have profiles for you to choose from. There are also fresh new profiles coming in everyday so hop to the website now to check. Plus, it is also for everyone to join.
Monday, 23 July 2007
Afraid for a moment
BP factory in Whiting, Indiana
BP can be found everywhere from all over the world.
Recently, the Chicago Tribute ran an article about a BP Factory in Whiting,
From the article, it was mentioned that BP is planning to dump chemical into
Actually, Whiting, Indiana BP is very committed to minimizing the environmental impacts of their actions.
I know you would be thinking, why I should believe. But there are always two sides of story.
Truthfully, they are doing their best to help the environment. They are only releasing treated water which is 99.9% water – not sludge into
‘A new water discharge permit allows the refinery's average ammonia discharge to increase, but at levels that will still be less than half of those that federal environmental guidelines could allow.’
Quote from facts of BP Whiting Refinery.
This is by means no harm to people and the environment.
There is also continuous improvement in their actions by reducing suspended solids in water content.
So there is no need to be worried over what they are doing.
They have a plan to invest a project that is worth millions to enhance wastewater treatment capability.
BP is working with federal, state and local elected officials, regulators, community and environmental organizations, and communities to develop comprehensive, environmentally sound plans.
BP is producing are also producing jet fuel, gasoline and diesel for people’s daily need. Currently, BP has up to 1700 employers and is looking to employ more in the future.
For more information on BP Whiting in
Saturday, 21 July 2007
Latina Romance
Now, have you ever thought where can you find romance? Technology are good nowadays that with just one click away, you can search and relate to
Sign up instantly and search through thousands of
Feels Good
When my results came out, I was only happy for some of the courses I took. So, I got some advice from friends and family that I should email the lecturer to see if he could go through the test paper with me. I did, I made an appointment to see my lecturer yesterday. He commented that I did really well for my lab test but not very well for my final exams. Then, he mentioned that he was a bit mean when he was marking my exams paper. So, he added a few marks and there for me. After counting everything, my grade was pushed up. I am so happy.
Thursday, 19 July 2007
Fitness Dates
If you’re looking for romance, look no further. This website, fitness dates offers to help out with finding someone who you can date.
buff guys
Nowadays, technology is much better that you don’t have to go out to the world to meet people, or like find someone who you like, etc.
All you have to do is get yourself a computer and internet connection and everything starts from there.
Anyway, this site offers free sign up and you can search for anyone from your neighbour to anyone from outside your country. Plus, it’s for fit singles. There are also constantly new profiles being added. So what are you waiting for? Join in.
Celebrity gossips
What are celebrity gossips about? Isn’t about the life of celebrities? Yes, I think it does.
I remember during my childhood days, my cousins and I would gather around to read a magazine they bought. It is that magazine which inspires me to buy magazines to read. Ever since that time, I started buying magazines to read. Magazines like, Dolly, Girlfriend, New Idea, Australian Weekly magazines, etc. All of this has at least one page of celebrity gossips.
But, nowadays, technology is so much better that with just one click, you can read all the gossips. It also contains celebrity photos. So, check it out.
Go to this page or website called Celebrity Gossips.
celebrity picturesI signed up for PPP
How do you define new? I think I am new to PayPerPost. I only joined PayPerPost beginning of this year. What I love best about PayPerPost? I love blogging about what I want to blog about.
The first time, I heard about PayPerPost was through someone’s blog. That someone also just joined PayPerPost and was blogging about it. I thought, why don’t I give it a try and see how it is. That time, I wasn’t really convinced that I would totally earn money online but I gave it a try anyway.
In just one month after signing up, I looked out for open opportunities. I found 2 posts that I can blog about. One month later, guess what? I got paid for blogging 2 posts of my choice, which is great. I just love PayPerPost. It gives me chances to blog and earn money at the same time. What am I going to do with the money I earned? I am thinking of keeping it to help me pay the bills for daily life and to buy the basic needs.
I got my cousin to sign up for this. She loves it as well. I haven’t made any new friends through PayPerPost but my cousin is promoting it. I have seen a few other of her friends joining and promoting PayPerPost. I am happy for them. In the meantime, I will keep spreading the word of PayPerPost. Yea.. spread the love of PayPerPost.
Stupid phone
Argh.. My phone balance account kept getting charged for no reason. I have no idea what they are charging me for. I tried calling the Vodafone help. First time, someone picked up the phone and then direct me to somewhere, God knows where. Then, second time, no one picked up. So, now I am waiting till Saturday afternoon when my flatmate is going to the shopping mall to get her Harry Potter story book. I plan to go during the process of her waiting in the queue. I hope she doesn’t mind. Last time, both sister of mine were waiting for the sixth book to come out, Mum and I went shopping while waiting for them.
Why do I keep updating this blog? Because it’s not ok-ed by bloggerwave. Maybe this blog of mine does not have enough posts so I am posting more.
No Summer?
I am planning to work during the summer of NZ. What do you think? It gives me experience and not forgetting the money earned. I am thinking of applying one for the next summer. I surf the internet and found some websites offering summer internships. Not bad, I am going to apply one next year. I just got an email about summer internships. Not getting one this end of the year, I think I will enjoy this coming summer. If I take on the summer internships, I won’t be able to go back to see my parents. But I have to think, this is for myself. I can go back for 3 weeks in February if I really wanted to.
So embarrassing
It was so embarrassing when phone either rang or just the message alert came in class. People would just stare at you or the lecturer might turn to you and said could please turn on your phone on silent. It’s not that I did not turn on silent. I accidentally press the music on. I think I went bright red and even swear. I think it has happen to me few times already. The first time, it was my mum who called me and I had to end the call. The second time, I forgot to turn the phone on silent and my friend decided to txt me. I think this is the third time. This taught me not to play with phone in class or even don’t bring it to class. I’m still going to bring phone to class, it’s not high school anyway.
Monday, 16 July 2007
How does it feel to be living with other people in an apartment? You are all flatmates. I guess some people just don’t realise living with other people is a big responsibility. You have to take care of the apartment. Clean and tidy up the flat.
In my case, I do not think my flatmates are very tidy or clean. How can you stand seeing the dishes pile up in the sink for more than a week? How can you stand looking at the crumbs gather on the table? How can you stand looking at the dirty sinks?
Yea, I had to endure all that. Ah, but I manage. I cleaned it up when I cannot stand looking at it. You can’t really say anything at all because they might say, I will do it later or even if they do not do it, they will complain that you nag them. See? Sometimes, I just feel like straggling them.
Flatmates. That is life. What can you do?
Rebellious or not
I don’t know what to think. I told my mum once that I want to save money to buy a car. I didn’t say when but I mentioned about the disadvantages of not having a car. I tried assuring her that I won’t simply drive the car to anywhere. Yes, like I would really do it. My good side is in control.
I listen to my parents when they told me not to take up a job that requires me to drive. I know they are worried which is why I didn’t continue. I could have not told them I got a job or could have told them I gave up the job when I did not. Well, it’s just that there is a reason that I should listen. What if something happens to me? Then, I know I would disappoint my parents and I could lose their trust.
My mum actually told me to save $30 from the money they put in my bank account. I have a feeling that mum thinks that I want to save the money to buy a car. Yes, I am trying to do that. Mum said that never mind that I couldn’t get the experience and the money, just do not take the job. Yea, I understand. Actually, their opinions are important to me if I am about to do something big. Big for me means buying a car, getting a job, etc. I know it sounds lame, so what? I am still my parent’s little girl. Hahaha. Who cares. I love being my parent’s little girl. But I still have to make my own decisions. I am growing up anyway.
P/s: To those readers who just started to read this blog, thanks. I am just saying what I thought and I hope it does not offend anyone who reads it. If it does, drop me a comment.
Last night I was over at my friend’s flat, hanging out. Then, when we were watching tv, my friend switched the channels and the series was horror. Both my flatmate and I voiced out at the same time, ‘I am sleeping in your room tonight’. It was scary. Then, I told them my story which I experienced it in
Referring to ofhopeandlove post about nap time, she also talked about how she couldn’t get up from her nap. She said she felt trapped. I read about the comments and some other readers also complained having the same experience. One of the readers said to shout for Jesus’s name. I did before, I realise. I felt so relieved that I did. Actually, I do experience these back in 2005, early 2007 and sometime last month.
My flatmate said probably, this is because the more you rebel to the devil, the more they come to you. But how do you know if it’s true? What other possibility are there?
What more could happen?
Sunday, 15 July 2007
Loving it
I never consider you could earn money just by blogging. But you can. I signed up Payperpost early this year, just to entertain myself. I took up few opportunities of posts and in one month time, I got my first $15.10. How nice was that? Then, I started my second year of university and stopped for the time being. In June, almost in the middle of my exams, I started looking for more opportunities. What a good way to study. Actually, I was sick of studying at some point so I started doing something else. I took up some again but only one was accepted. So I thought, never mind. You can’t always get what you wanted. So I concentrated back on exams. Then, I think it was yesterday that I was told by my friend that I got $7.50 for referral for payperpost. How cool. I referred my cousin and I got the money. Yes! It’s really good that I am earning bit by bit. I understand you cannot get everything at once now. Ok, I will just accept that. Maybe God is trying to tell me to be patient. Yes, I will. And listen.
Lately, I have been so attracted to songs from
Speaking of Transformers, I went to watch the movie on Friday night with my flatmate. I was told by few friends that the movie is really nice. I don’t put my hopes too high just in case it turned out to be opposite. Anyway, it was really good. I love the movie. When the cars transform into robots, I thought I had dejavu. After a while, I hit myself. It shouldn’t be dejavu. I used to watch Transformer when I was young. But that one was cartoons.
Somemore, I think I watched a lot of cartoons when I was young. Like when I had a discussion with friends, I realised I know a lot about cartoons but when we talked about shows, I am clueless. Haha. I am a bit childish, I guess. But that’s just me.
The feeling of waiting is really painful. Then, when the call came, you feel so light and so happy. Anyway, I’m glad they call. Basically, the job is about being on-call and driving cars from the supplier back to the workshop. Sounds easy, right? Just don’t get yourself lost or crash into something on the way back. I like to try the job. But when I told my mum, my sister said she freaked out when she found out there are no insurance to cover. Moreover, after my dad found out, he got stressed about it. Then, I got an email, asking me not to take up the job. Of course I will be disappointed. Who won’t? I mean, I took up the job hoping to gain experience and the money of course. I thought maybe driving the cars would help me to practise and then, I would go for my full licence practical test. Now, my goal to do this has gone. Just like that. I still need to get my full licence, no matter what. None of my friends let me drive their car. I understand them for not letting other people drive. I mean, if it’s my car, I would be like them too. But I can’t help liking cars and like to drive.
Thursday, 12 July 2007
Casual Job
I thought finding a casual job at a student job search in university would be easy. I mean they advertise the job that would match a student’s study life. How do I know that it would be so hard.
Anyway, just as I thought I was going to give up, they called me on the day I left for
I don’t trust the jobs at Student Job Search.
The second day we got back from walking in University of Otago, I talked my friends into eating at another Japanese restaurant. They wanted to eat at Subway but they agreed to come with me in the end. I can't blame myself for craving the noodle soup. They are just so hard to resist.

Wednesday, 11 July 2007
I am using this for Bloggerwave and Payperpost. Cool..
I am hoping to earn more money online.
There's no harm in trying to earn money online right?