Tuesday, 15 December 2009

I am inspired

Hmm.. weekend was great. I think I am going to appreciate weekends more when I start the working life. I went for a second interview this morning and I think it went great though I do not know if I am going to be hired. Well, I am not going to think about it now. I will let God decide for me.

Anyway, I had to walk to the mall to take the bus to city early in the morning. Only then, it struck me that this is working life. I would have to wake up this early everyday (maybe feeling tired and sleepy) to go to work. I thought, well I am just going to sleep early every night then. If I do get this job, it is a part time job. The HR manager told me that the job could turn full time after 3 months. He also told me some inspiring stories that made me decide to take up the challenging job even though he warned me it is very challenging. I was thinking, what job is not challenging but yea, I like to try it out.

Dad has told me about how he started out and I thought that I would do the same too and rise up to become like him. I do want to be successful like him and I know I can do it. It is the inspiration, you know. Oh the HR manager ask me if I ever thought of wanting to work in what I have studied. I told him honestly, there are not a lot of geology jobs in NZ and that I am willing to change my future career. I explained more but now I cannot remember what I said.

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