Thursday, 14 January 2010

Everyone do

I bet we all have embarrassing moments. Unfortunately I have lots. I think I get a lot from not listening properly. So what is up with that. It might be because I do not catch all the words and I am also getting forgetful. Gosh, I am still young and already getting forgetful. I do try my best to remember things and in the event of trying, I forget some other stuff. That always happens. Sigh.. what am I to do about this?

I notice someone joining in the followers section. This blog isn't very interesting compared to my other ones.

My hands are getting cold and the weather looks like it is going to rain soon. Heavy. And I did not bring umbrella. Oh what is the point if the wind is strong. Somehow, I have a feeling that I will get caught in the rain. Oh well, I will just shower after I get back from work.

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