The other blogging site of mine where I blogged about everything from opinions to what I experienced.
Friday, 30 November 2007
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Online Backgammon
Let me introduce an online backgammon. If you know how to play backgammon and always like to play against someone, here is your chance to join the backgammon tournaments. It also has guide to getting started on the game if you don’t know how to play and wanted to start playing. You can download the game from the site as well. What an amazing game, right?
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
Monday, 26 November 2007
Still jetlag
Last night, I went out with sister and her friends. They say London never sleeps. Yes, there were still cars and people walking about. But, midnight in Christchurch is like, no traffic and there are not a lot of people walking about. I bet my friends would prefer this kind of place and I bet we could even have supper at different restaurant and we wouldn't even have problems figuring out where we want to eat or do.
Sunday, 25 November 2007
Credit cards
Compare Credit Cards
Saturday, 24 November 2007
I am sure everyone needs insurance for anything. I looked up the meaning of insurance on, it means ‘In simple terms, insurance allows someone who suffers a loss or accident to be compensated for the effects of their misfortune. It lets you protect yourself against everyday risks to your health, home and financial situation.’
From what I know, there are different types of insurance, the common one which I know is car insurance, home insurance and life insurance. I am sure there are lots of others. I think another common one is travel insurance, one of which I always hear from my friends. Insurances are not cheap. Usually, you have to pay lots. But really, when it comes to, say car insurance, to accidents, it’s worth it because insurance company pays for the payments. I know it does as it happened to me once.
Anyway, if you needed to find out about any insurance, click on home insurance or car insurance. I am sure it will help you to find out about insurance. You can also compare cheap car insurance.
I also have been watching tv programmes like the discovery channel, national geographic etc. One of my favourite is Disney Channel but they don't really have interesting movies or series to watch at all. I asked mum if they do have Heroes. Apparently, they do but I would need to browse the channels to find out which one and what time. Hmph. It takes time and I couldn't find any in the afternoon. Nevermind. I will not give up. :)
Friday, 23 November 2007
Anyway, I am back at home and it feels wonderful though I do miss gatherings with friends. Nevermind. There's always next year. So far, I have been relaxing at home. It's back to doing house chores, washing up and vacuuming. Yea, I am doing vacuuming in the afternoon later when I think none of my friends are online.
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Friday, 16 November 2007
Friday, 9 November 2007
I don’t understand how some people need to go to the beach to calm their emotion. I used to think like that but now, I know it doesn’t really work. I only like to go to the beach just to get the feeling of being sad and stand there with the wind blowing the hair.
But I am still glad that I can still express a bit of feelings here. I feel that I cannot say anything on the other blog because I have to maintain reputation. Well, I have no comment for that. It is kind of true if I do mess up what I said, I will end up with no friends and lonely for the rest of my life. I don't really mind that though because I think I am expecting that.
Thursday, 8 November 2007
Wednesday, 7 November 2007

This series, heroes are really scary but very interesting. It is a bit like X-men, only they are not that heroic. I am now watching Season 2. It's scary when you are watching alone. I mean, you can guess the story plot and what's going to happen. For me, I would close my eyes. It's a bit violent and I can tell you there's a lot of blood. Ahh..
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Goodbyes are hard
Monday, 5 November 2007
Sunday, 4 November 2007
I am just taking a break from studying. I am seriously hating to study. I have motivation to study but I just don't have the patience to sit down and study anymore. I have another exam tomorrow and another one on Saturday. Wish me luck.
Saturday, 3 November 2007
Garage cabinets
Don't you think garage is one of the most important part of the house that you usually visit at least twice a day? Why not twice a day? When you need to drive, you would go to the garage to get your car. Well, some people store their car in the garage. I know my parents does that at home. Why not. Cars are valuable so you would want to store it in the garage, right?
Talking about storing stuff in the garage, you should think about having cabinets in the garage. You can put the kid's toys in the cabinet after they are finished playing with it during the day. Or you could put the brooms or shovels in the cabinets. Better still, you can put your gardening equipment in there.
garage cabinets
So, if you ever need to have garage cabinets, be sure to check out on Carguygarage.
Credit cards
I used to wonder how credit cards work like. That is because I see people swiping the card whenever they go shopping. Then I found out that having credit cards are like having debts. And I did change my mind about having a credit card. But after joining payperpost (should be known as IZEA), I realise that I would need to have a credit card as they are paying me through paypal. So now, I am thinking of getting one. Having a credit card is not that bad, I guess, as long as you don't overspend yourself when you go shopping. Just don't buy unnecessary stuff and be determined to be on your budget.
best credit cards
Now, I wouldn't know a thing about getting a credit card. For me, I would go to my parents. But if you don't have anyone to talk about, then cardguide is a place you can seek information from. You can also compare balance transfers to see which one is the best. I do know that you should find the cheapest annual fee, though.
One more thing, I think I consume too much energy drinks. Am I going to be ok?
So, now is your time to check out their site for more.
Friday, 2 November 2007
I also wanted to say something. I think sometimes people take for granted that I don't get angry with them or get annoyed with them straight to the face if they said something insulting. I don't mind if it's just a small thing but I think this is why people just continue insulting cos they think that I won't mind so much. But they are so wrong. Maybe I should try to show some emotions.
I find myself stop smiling to friends nowadays. I used to smile at them and try to make conversation every time I see them. Now, I am lazy to open my mouth. Because no one will say anything whenever I say something. I can't be bothered to make any effort since some people don't make an effort for themselves. But won't this make me selfish? Sigh.. whatever I do is wrong and whatever other people do is right. Why can't they be wrong for once, it is always me.
Me me me
That is my title of my blog. Yea, it's always me. Wrong of this and wrong of that. I am stupid. I am lazy. I am selfish. Whatever I do is not right. Whatever comes out from my mouth are stupid. When will I do something right? I am such a useless person to live on Earth.
Why why why do you always feel like that?
Anyway, the recycle bin is piling up again. But there are no more plastic bags to put rubbish into it. None of them even try to get plastic bags from supermarket when they go for groceries shopping. Sigh.. why why why must depend on girls. If they are not depending on girls, they should at least try to get it for the flats.
Sigh, I should get ready for my next exam, which is in less than 2 hours. Seriously, I don't feel like studying anymore. I am sick of studying. I kept on repeating the practice/exam paper. I just have a feeling that it's not going to be same type of questions from the exams paper. It's going to be hard like my first exam. And I am going to fail it. Aaaah..
Thursday, 1 November 2007
Vista Print. Sound familiar to you? Well, it is definitely very familiar to me. I receive weekly emails from them telling me about what products they have and what have they got on offer. They do offer a lot of stuff. I think there was once an email about them giving away some products, eg rubber stamps. I didn't really need it so I did not order it. A week later, they were giving away for free.
Anyway, for short, I love receiving email updates about what they have on offer. Currently I am looking at the Christmas Cards on sale. The Christmas cards are so pretty and so creative too. You can put your photos on the cards.
Christmas Cards
Vista Print also have other services like upload your own design or logo design. I love looking at them. I wish I could have all of them. :)
I got to say something. You know how I quit my job? I told my boss that I will be studying for exams. But that Monday, it was Labour Day and my friends and I went to the mall to check out the sales. And, my flatmate and I saw our boss and her son there. She was pointing at us and saying that, I thought you guys wanted to study. My flatmate quickly gestured me to walk away from there while smiling. She thought it was scary but I think it’s alright. Anyway, what right does the boss have to say if we don’t want to work?