Thursday, 8 October 2009


I didn't even realise that blogger blog post changes.
Anyway, I haven't blog here for quite some time. Since last week, things have been quiet. I feel good that I am relaxing but maybe I relax too much. I prepared my lab assessment practice since Tuesday and today, I am preparing for report. I have no idea how to 'word' them properly. Sigh.. it's not due soon but I prefer to get it done early and then keep adding or deleting stuff in.

Well, I will be going to another field trip later on today. This means more photos. Yay!!
Oh yea, restaurant city on facebook is quite addictive. I mean, I didn't exactly look at it every second. I just fed the employees and look after the restaurant. Darling kept track of the menu, trading and buying the ingredients. Waiting for it to level up...

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