Monday, 26 October 2009


Secrets about yourself.
Be honest no matter what.
Just being bored and doing the tag. =P

1.) Have you ever been asked out?
Yup. =)

2.) Where was your default picture taken?

if it's blogger default pic, hahaha. it's a pic of a car.

3.) What's your middle name?

4.) Your current relationship status?

in a relationship.

5.) Does your crush like you back?
yep, if u mean crush from long time ago.

6.) What is your current mood?
feeling frustrated about memorizing for study

7.) What color of underwear are you wearing?

haha, if you must know, let me peek.. it's purple.

8.) What color shirt are you wearing?
blue, it's the international christian fellowship shirt.

9.) Missing something?
don't think so.  

10.) If you could go back in time and change something, what would you do?
well, there's quite a number of things that i like to change so im not exactly sure if it's just one.

11.) If you must be an animal for one day, what?

a dog.

12.) Ever had a near death experience?

hmm.. don't think so.

13.) Something you do a lot?
watching tv, reading all kinds of books, articles and notes and texting. 

14.) The song stuck in your head?
Right now, it's Down by Jay Sean featuring Lil Wayne.

15.) Who did you copy and paste this from?

16.) Name someone with the same birthday as you?

17.) When was the last time you cried?
2 days ago.

18.) Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
No. I would be really scared

19.) If you could have one super power what would it be?

I think I like to be shadow cat from X-men evolution.

20.) What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
How good looking are they?

21.) What do you usually order from Starbucks?

i have ranges.

22.) What's your biggest secret?
Not saying anything.

23.) Favorite colours?
blue, green, black

24.) Do you still watch kiddie movies or tv shows?
Yea I do if I have an urge to watch tv or not wanting to face reality at the moment.

25.) What's on your walls?
white paint.

26.) What are you?
female human. 

27.) Do you speak any other language?
Yea but not fluently. 

28.) What's your favorite smell?
smelling my darling. 

29.) Describe your life in one word.

30.) Have you ever kissed in the rain?
haha no, i would have run for shelter.

31.) What are you thinking about right now?
I want to eat. im hungry.

33.) What should you be doing?


34.) Who was the last person that made you upset/angry?
it was darling.

35.) How often do u talk to God?


36.) Do you like working in the yard?
if it's for work experience, yea don't mind.

37.) If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?
im satisfied with my last name.

38.) Do you act differently around the person you like?

maybe the first time but now, i don't care.

39.) What is your natural hair color?

40.) Who was the last person to make you cry?
darling, he scared the life out of me when he made me play this stupid online maze game.

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