The other blogging site of mine where I blogged about everything from opinions to what I experienced.
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
I actually have quite a bit to put down but it might offend some people so..
I think my layout may put off some people reading it because it looks so big and sort like for kids. Hehe.. oops..
Influence, not change
Her opinion changes a bit after an explanation.
Some people may change entirely but it should be due to something happen to them drastically. Others don't change but they are more like influenced by others.
So am I right?
I actually did a lot of thinking lately and have to consider my actions now and the future.
Hehe.. I only kept up with the news in NZ. At least I am making an effort to know about NZ. Usually I am not the type of person who would read so much news. It's the holidays and I have nothing better to do. So I might as well read the newspaper or the news on the net.
Halfway reading these news, I switched my attention to other news. There was earthquakes in the lower part of the North Island. Oh this is NZ, by the way. Hehe.. Anyway, back to my main point.
I guess this is where the debt management plans comes in. You need to plan your finance so you don't get caught in losing your money or your job.
Talking about this, you know what, people who are graduating and finding a job now are probably finding it hard to get a job relating to what they are studying. I will probably be in the same situation in one or two years time.
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Monday, 22 December 2008
Don't know what is wrong. Ishk.
I actually have lots to blog about. I found some nice stuff from magazines and took pictures of it. I wanted to put up in blog because I wanted to share these.
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Friday, 12 December 2008
Bad things also happen in three.
I found this phrase from Marshmallows for breakfast by Dorothy Koomson.
No wonder.
www or no www
Sunday, 7 December 2008

Guess what? She told me that there will be a tennis tournament in January and Federer will be here in Qatar. How great is that!! Maybe I shall try to get tickets to go watch? It's starting from Jan 5-11.
Friday, 28 November 2008
Just bored
I am getting lazy.
I slept more than the sleeping hours I normally had.
I shall have to move the boxes and luggage in my room aside so I can put another mattress down for my sister when she comes. I shall have to clean up my table and put my speaker into the box. I am so going to miss listening to the bass system that goes boom boom boom.
Currently I am using flatmate's number so sorry if I don't reply.
I am getting lazy. Sigh..
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Anyway, it is time of the year to reflect on things. I shall do this when I am really bored. Currently, I am bored but I am not in the mood of doing reflections.
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Comfort food

I blog-hopped around and saw this in the blog. It looks nice so I decide to have had it too. Yum, it satisfy my cravings. =)
At the moment, I am taking time to pack everything up. I would have taken at least 2 days to pack absolutely everything but I decide to take my time. I would still need to use some of it too. =)
I feel like doing some window shopping too. :)
Saturday, 15 November 2008
I guess I will put all clothes in few containers, well those that I do wear them though. Those that I do not wear, do you think I should give them away or just put it aside? I guess I will put them in one container so I don't have to open them during the following year.
I shall look around for interesting story books to read as well. It's getting hot everyday now and I am wearing shorts shorts everyday. Oh wait, it is summer now. *bang forehead on the table*
Tuesday, 4 November 2008

I gave up already. My vocab isn't very good so it is definitely hard for me.
Tell you what, I really don't feel like studying now. But I won't feel confident going into the exam room. I don't feel motivated now too. Someone please help me to get me motivated. I think I might be too selfish to have someone studying with me and go through notes and exam papers. Sigh.. I kept blogging every now and then. I first got this idea of blogging when I am sick of studying from Liyana. So, I think I would have tons of posts if I were to put all of my posts from different blogs of mine. I am already refraining myself from blogging.
Actually, all my posts would be about me babbling about the exams. Bboorrring..
I try not to babble so much about exams on this blog though. It's not interesting to read about people babbling and complaining about their exams, ok? I wouldn't even read if it was me. It's worse if it was about life. You would think, sigh, this person don't value his or her life. Go die lah, most people would kill to be in that position.
Now, I am wondering who else reads this blog. I never thought few friends of mine read this blog till they mentioned it. I was thinking, har? wah.. you really read this rubbish blog of mine?
So having 2 blogs is good, another one for most people, this one will be rubbish thoughts of mine.
Monday, 3 November 2008
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
On random note: I notice quite few people privatised their blog. Few less people's blog to visit now. Haih... Oh I did say that I won't blog here till after my exams but you see, sometimes I don't want blog in dot com cos there will be a lot of boom posts. So, I blog here at times too. =)
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Planning already
Anyway, another cousin will be studying in UK and both of us thought that we should go over to UK to visit her and also go for Europe tour. We decide that we should go during the cousin's holidays. We can also crash at the cousin's place too. Hmm.. I am so excited now. So, we haven't decide where we wanted to go. I was thinking that we could go around UK since we haven't been to some places. And booking last minute hotels and breaks are going to be expensive. So, I saw this site on and I am thinking that this can definitely help us after we decide on a date to go UK and tour around. Hmm.. cool.. this is getting me more excited.
So, those who are also planning to go to UK for breaks and just bought your tickets not long ago, this is the site you can book your breaks last minute. So you don't have to worry on not getting cheaper price and last minute stuff. I know it can be really frustrating and worrying when you don't get your bookings on breaks done quickly. Now you don't have to worry anymore. So do check out the site. =)
Saturday, 25 October 2008
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
I just clicked on the link and the cottage is beaaauuttiful. I am so looking forward to go. Oh wait, I need to plan and book tickets first before I can actually plan to go there on holidays. I should ask if any friends of mine would like to go too. It would definitely be cheaper if there are more people.
I just realized the cottages are near the beach. It would be relaxing and fun to walk by the beach in the morning. Oh wow, they have spa as well. Hmm.. it would be nice to go during the summer holidays there. It's warm and we can escape NZ's winter too. How about that?
Short Break Wales
Saturday, 11 October 2008
Laugh at myself
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
I am sick btw. Ish.. but at least it's now than later. Finals are coming up. So I shouldn't get sick during finals. Argh.. I should start studying but I am not. Help!
Friday, 3 October 2008
Selamat Hari Raya!
Liyana will be having open house at her flat soon. She is inviting me and Em. But she is not sure when will she be having on. Now, we're just waiting for her to decide on.
p/s When I mean Li's open house, it means that I asked her to cook rendang for me. =P Muahahaha..
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Blog inactive
Oh.. know what? my .com site has been shut down. Ish.. so much for writing good posts and gone just like that. Well, I am getting a new one soon. Yea.. I am here because of that. No lah.. I won't abondon this blog.. it's like part of me.
Oh yea... u want to see something?
It's the microwave in the kitchen. How dirty, right? I don't think anyone wants to clean it. I don't want to clean it because I don't think I dirty it. I always use a lid to cover my food when I microwaved my food.
I am not saying that I am dirty or showing you how dirty. My main point is when you're staying with other people, you really have to have schedule of who is cleaning this and that. Or I could say my main point is stay with people you know, feel comfortable with and be honest of things. If you don't like anything, just say. That is how you will not have conflicts. And don't always think that you are right and your way is correct. Humans are not perfect.
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Such a mess
I was hoping to see clean kitchen after I got back from field trip but nope, I did not. Still dirty. Ish.. a few more months. I cleaned up em and my dishes. Sometimes I do forgot to clean up but I did not leave them unwashed for more than 2 days. Sigh..
Now I am wondering on how to clean my muddy boots. It is going to be hard.
Monday, 1 September 2008
Anyway, I got back from a field trip last week and will be posting up some nice photos here though I know some people close to me reads the other blog and will probably see more photos there than here. =) I just don't want to abandon this blog totally. Hehehe..
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Thursday, 14 August 2008
Will be uploading photos up soon after the weekend. =)
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
Monday, 14 July 2008
And my laptop bag is so heavy. Now my shoulders are painful. *slap myself* Don't complain. It's good enough that I have time to walk around the place. I found out that NZD=S$. Meaning I can buy stuff here? Hahaha.. so far, I cannot find Body Shop. I want to buy eyecare serum. I found out that I got fine lines wrinkes. Ah.. does that mean I am old? But I just enter adulthood age though. Ok, maybe I should stop worrying too much. Sigh..
I better go now. The timing is finishing soon and I haven't finish exploring stuff. I wanted to buy something for my friends but I can't find or think of anything that they would like. Oh ya, I really cannot find the Christians T-shirts around. And I did not have a chance to go to Pharmacy in Miri or KL to look for precresption on something for something. Argh.. now I cannot remember the name. Aih..
Saturday, 12 July 2008

My new frames

The old one looks something like this
Actually no frames around the lens looks nice but it is not that good cos the screw may come undone. So it is still better to get other ones.
There are probably more frames to choose from .
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
So far..
Mian.. classes starting soon ler.. not sure if I am ready to study more or not. But if I don't do anything, it'll be boring. Yea, call me weird, I know I am. I just don't like to waste my time.
Anyway, what have I been doing in M'sia besides shopping and eating? Nothing much because I want to relax during holidays. =) Shoobie is so cute. I was sitting in the living, facing the main door. There is this transparent window and Shoobie was just sitting there, peeping inside. I waved at Shoobie constantly. Haha.. he's so cute lah.
Check out this accident compensation on safety work. When I was at home watching tv, there is this advertisment that always shows that people can get compensation if they have accident when they are working.
Saturday, 5 July 2008
Rambling on..
Then, will be heading off to Miri to spend the rest of the holidays before flying back to KL to catch my flight back. I am quite satisfied with the dresses I bought because I know that I cannot find nice dresses that fit me in NZ. =)
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Snowing again
Took those photos 5 minutes after it started hailing. 10 minutes after that, you can see how white the road was.
Saturday, 21 June 2008
Friday, 20 June 2008
When I was younger, I know I always snoop around the cabinets. That was when I found my dad’s ID employee card. I thought it was cool and I know I played going to work with my sisters using my dad’s ID. Now thinking back, I thought that was stupid and lame. But I was just a kid so; I can be forgiven, right? =)
Now just being random, I have seen in movies how spies can get into companies or say big companies with fake ID. Maybe they should tighten the security? Or it is just my stupid thinking. It was just movies, so of course they make it as if the spies are so good that they can fake ID and can just walk into the company buildings.
Anyway, this is not my point of talking about ID, there is this website for ID badge supplies and I thought it would be good for anyone who wants to order ID cards. And plus, it doesn't have to be just for IDs. It can be for other type of cards, for example, membership’s cards, loyalty cards, gifts card, library cards, discounts cards etc. It is just that they print out nicely and make it nice too. =)
All those cards from your wallets and purses probably come from there. Talking about purses, I had a dream this morning that the entire cash and eftpos card in my purse was stolen. I was very upset in my dream and I think I was screaming around as well until my alarm woke me up. I turned it off and was thinking to myself that it was just a dream. Oh, I haven’t check my purse yet but I think it was just a dream. I know I was being paranoid in my dream and yelling to call the bank to stop my eftpos cards. That was some dream though.
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Sigh.. I just checked email and found out from my mum that my international flight departure back to Brunei has been changed to 9.40am. Before this, it was 12 noon. I don't think I have enough time when I arrive in Auckland so I think I have to change my domestic flight. Sigh.. I dislike getting up so early in the morning but I got no choice right?
Good thing I came back to check my email. Now I got no mood to study. But I have to force myself. I have to study. =(
Monday, 16 June 2008
... making me confused...
But when I talked to my friends more about this, I realise that I probably am worse. My friends listen to Christian songs while I don't. Okay, they don't really talk like her and her. But what I am wondering now is, all these things gives people impression of yourself. It doesn't mean that you are not spiritual, is it?
... making me confused...
Monday, 2 June 2008

Thursday, 29 May 2008
Exams are coming up so I think I will be on hiatus. Maybe not long hiatus but short. Will update once in a while though. =)
Mian.. I am so stressed with assignments and lab work. Assignment marks is not good and I am scared of the finals though I have confidence. Sigh..
Anyway, back to study.. don't stare at the screen.
Friday, 23 May 2008
Currently in uni computer lab supposedly doing work. I wanted to blog in my .com website but I cannot remember what is the site for login. So came here to blog instead. I guess no one reads this blog anyway. =) Hahaha.. so i can babble whatever I want.
Oh, I learnt that complaining and arguing is not good and we shouldn't do that often. Mian.. and I am doing it now, complaining on the amount of work. It is one question of my lab work but with part a, b, c and d and I don't even know how to do part a. Well, it is more like I have to find mu and sigma and put into rmnorm(N,mu,sigma) to get the generated sample points. Oh oh, know what, a friend asked me if I know how to plot few graphs in one big A4 size. I said, yea I can do it if there are data. Well, hopefully I can make it work. Hehehe.. how does engineering work relates to stats? Just by plotting graphs? *grins Well, most of my stats course are something to do with computer programming and using the codes to find the best model and to elaborate or analysing those models. Eh, it is not easy to find the best model. You have to decide which variables to drop by looking at the AIC, p-value etc.
Ok la, my coursemates are here so I should be doing my work. Ciao.
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Games all the way
I just joined
I think I just joined two days ago and I already had 5 friends. How great is that? And I am probably clueless in finding my way around the site to add friends so the four of them just added me. Thanks, guys. I knew my cousin would join so I typed in her nickname and there it was.
The blogger profile looks so interesting and I hope I do get the hang of familiarising around the site. By the way, my blog has already been approved and I do hope to get more opportunities from Social Sparks. The opportunities are quite different, you have to reserve the opportunity and they approve for you. Actually, it is good because every blogger do deserve to get at least one opportunity per day.
And oh, if you happen to see an opportunity which you think is a very good opportunity for your friend, you can click on the button that says send to friend. They have code of ethics as well.
Monday, 12 May 2008
Sprained foot
Maybe I should try dieting instead. Hmm.. what a good idea. Don't worry, I am not going to starve myself. I am still going to eat but healthier. There's this website on fast weight loss. Looks interesting because it talks about new lifestyle diet. Said that fast weight loss is achieved, faster than weight watchers, jenny craig, slim fast, atkins, medifast and optifast.
The website even has liquid diet, as in they thought what is best (no fat gain) for you. You can even shop from the website. This is cool. Hmm.. if you don't want to shop, you can always browse the shopping list and try to make for yourself. I am sure that the items listed are fat free. What a good idea. I am going to try that myself. Oh but do join the program if you are interested. =)
Friday, 9 May 2008
Getting annoyed
Another one is a flatmate of mine broke one of my transparent cup. I was shouting to my flatmate who was in the living room if she knew where the other transparent cup of mine has gone. Then, the flatmate confessed that he broke it. Well, at least I know where it is now. I am still annoyed though. Of all the cups around, he went on and use mine. Sigh.. I guess that is for sharing a house with other people. I can't wait to move out and move into my own place with my flatmate.
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
I became dark
I think I did bring sun screen to my field trip but I forgot all about it until the fourth day when there was sun coming out. Well, not my fault for forgetting. There wasn't any sun so I didn't bother putting any. It was always cold in the morning and one morning, my boots and socks were frozen. Imagine that. Sigh..
Anyway, my point of saying this is that we should prepare ourselves at all times, as in to bring sun screen everywhere we goes. We never know when we will need it. I thought I don’t need any for field trip but I did need to. So, I was quite dark after I came back from the field trip. My friends couldn’t even recognize me.
- Friends should support each other. This doesn't mean that Friend A should ditch Friend B for Friend C. I mean, if Friend C did not do anything to Friend A, why should Friend A ditch Friend C.
- Listen to friends. LISTEN. It is best to listen to positive feedback and ignore if it is negative feedback.
- Friendships are very important and they are always by your side. So we should appreciate them. What happens if you got no friends at all?
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
- sacrificial love
I was thinking, in this kind of world now, no one would do that kind of thing because it is not the norm. People would think you are crazy and start thinking if gay or lesbian. *shakes head* Such a world.
From my point of view, friendships nowadays are just friends hanging out and helping each other out. I bet there is no such thing as sacrificial love between friends. I mean, if I ask you to die for your friend or friends, would you want to do that?
My songs =)
MP3 Search Engine
Monday, 5 May 2008
On friendship
- mutual commitment
- sacrificial love
I was thinking, in this kind of world now, no one would do that kind of thing because it is not the norm. People would think you are crazy and start thinking if gay or lesbian. *shakes head* Such a world.
From my point of view, friendships nowadays are just friends hanging out and helping each other out. I bet there is no such thing as sacrificial love between friends. I mean, if I ask you to die for your friend or friends, would you want to do that?
- openness and honesty
You do have to be open and honest to your friends. If you are not sure if you can trust the friends you are with, don't open too much. But be honest because they won't like you and you can lose their trust in you if you happen to lie or do something bad to them or even one of them.
- service
There are ways to show your love for your family and friends. You help them out on things, eg buying things for them or just helping out on chores. Anyway, my point is that if you yell at your siblings or parents or disobey them, that doesn't mean you don't love your family or siblings. =)
- God - centreness
- interdependence
True friendship can only develop and grow when we work together, trust each other, help each other and rely on each other.
With true friends pointing out your weakness or something bad, I don't think you should keep it at heart and decide that he or she is not a good friend. Instead, you should look at yourself first and try to undo your weakness. Yes, you are not perfect and your friends are not perfect but it would help to study yourself first before start blaming on friends. Not all friends give good advice but some particularly do. Some friends are there to listen to you and give you a long big hug when you are down.
I do admit that I don't like my friends to see me crying if there is anything so I tend to go away or be quiet if I see my friends crying. So don't take it to heart, thinking that your friends desert you when you need someone to talk while you're crying.
- willing to let go
- Friends do point out your mistakes or your differences. But how do you feel from it? Embarrassed or anger? If embarrassed, would you rather strangers telling you those or your friends? If anger, study yourself first before you start blaming your friends. Humans aren't perfect so your friends are there to tell you your differences. Again, would you rather strangers telling you?
- Friends don't just give advices or comfort you, they go through each step with you. They are there to guide you so don't keep them away. Remember that some friends deal with their problems better than you.
Thursday, 1 May 2008
I don't do that now. Now, I want to get higher marks for myself. I have ambition for myself. Hope that clears it all.
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
I feel like yelling it out
- she is not smart
- have always struggle with her studies
- pushed herself to work hard and to study Master because she was worried that she could not get a job with her degree in Biochemistry
- Biochemistry studies are general so it is harder to get a job anywhere (I can only remember vaguely what she said because it was more than a week ago)
I was alright with the courses I chose for the following year. When the following year came, I was also struggling hard with studying Maths papers. I know there aren't easy courses in any subject so I tried harder. I didn't want to give up just yet considering what I did the year before. That year, I took Geology papers to see how I did and thought Geology is pretty good subject to study in. Yea, I found it ok so I continued the year after that. I also continued with Statistics as I enjoy it. I always have help from my coursemates/friends. I didn't continue studying Maths because it was too hard for me to handle. I don't want to change my mind every year because I don't think I can afford to, it's wasting money as well. I feel guilty for doing that in the past 2 years. I am already in my third year for Statistics and I really think I should finish it off. (I think I am just releasing stress in this way so don't mind that sentence.)
Anyway, back to feeling down about yesterday Stats class. Lecturer decided to give each individuals chances to answer questions and the most correct will get 5 marks at the end of the course. I know I won't be able to get it. But what I am disappointed was that I got the easy question wrong. How stupid, I was just thinking, can I really complete the course with stupid answers like that? Sigh.. meaning that I would have to work extra hard and be prepared to give CORRECT answers when lecturer ask questions.
Relating back to what Lily talked about herself. I realized that I have similar things to what she said,
- I am not smart
- I always have struggles with studies till now
- I pushed myself to do double major in Geology and Statistics because it would benefit me in future careers
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
It is really tiring, I tell you

Sunday, 27 April 2008
Job or study?
Just the other day, my friend was talking to me about getting a job. We both agreed that we don’t want to take a permanent job or casual job because it might lead to keep up with the job and it might become permanent job. We decided to take one off job which is on at one time.
I guess when it comes to doing some odd jobs, you can’t be too choosy. Because if you are choosy, then there would be any jobs left for you. I tried not to be but if I do work, I scared that I might not be able to catch up with work. I am scared that I might be left behind. Well, I guess I will just focus on study and clubs.
So, there is the student job search in university where young freshers can go to look for fresher jobs. I am sure there are a lot of websites that students can look as well. Don’t forget that there student job search also has a website.
Saturday, 26 April 2008
I am sure everyone do want to go on holidays at times, am I not right? When you go on holidays, you do want to make sure that you have all the things ready, for example the car and the accommodation.
So how about the famous vacation place, hot humid beach place? It is
This reminds me, I also want to suggest to my friends that we should go on holidays together before the summer starts. I thought spending holidays with friends is fun. I did when I went on the kayak trip with my friends last summer. I am not sure what my friends thought but I think from what they were talking, they don’t really like it. Maybe it was something to do with something. I don’t really want to say it but I say, choose the right friends to go with. Otherwise you would end up fighting over small matters.
So, should we make
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Hiatus for so long
I did learnt quite a bit from the church camp. This time, it was about family, friends and future/careers. The talks were interesting except for the fact that the speaker was talking in Mandarin and I could only understand 60% and had to guess or ask friends of the 40%. Yea, I know my Mandarin is not good. I don't go to Chinese school back at home. But I am proud to be educated in English for three years in high school NZ. Meaning that if I was still studying in Malaysia, my spoken English and written English wouldn't be as good as today.
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Not much
At the moment, the main blog I have been updating since beginning of this month is down so I am thinking of updating in the old blog. But the photoshop refused to open and I don't really want to upload my photos without putting site link. Sigh..
Younger days
I guess now I can look more at the house plans or the log house plans online rather than on the books or magazines. Internet wasn't very popular during my younger days so I guess I relied on books or magazines a lot. And I think some books don't have a lot of information on what styles or what kind of house you like. But I guess I was too young to know that much information. Now that I am much older, I think I should really know more about this. =)
Sunday, 13 April 2008
- You don't have to marry just to follow the traditions or because everyone is doing so. From the Bible, God says that if you meet somebody, it is not wrong for you to get married. However, he said that it is better to stay single. That way, you can focus on seeking God's Kingdom 100%.
- You learn to love from God. He shows His love through the Bible. Read Gen 1.
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Distractions for me
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
It was a full on talks, seminars and workshops on the theme. I was so mentally tired by the third day morning and that time, I had almost a day and half things to go through. I am glad that I did went to this conference. It opens up my eyes about marriages.
I definitely wrote down a lot of notes which I will put up as soon as I am finished with drafting it up. Of course, there were time gaps for us for free time/activities. First day, my friends and I walked down to the river streams. Second and third day were spent on discussion on what we learnt.
Oh, there weren't phone reception there.
Thursday, 3 April 2008
Last time, I blogged about how I really admire people studying and handling their extra curricular activities. Now I am here to say I really really admire people who study, extra curricular activities and going to gym. Hmm.. they must know how to divide their timing. I think I should sleep less and study during that time. But some people don’t study a lot and they still manage to get good grades. I am so jealous. This also means that I am not smart enough. Sigh, I know some people are smarter than others but I think it is so unfair. Sigh, what to do. I want to be smart, go gym and handle extra curricular activities too. I just need to be smart to divide my time.
You will be glad
It is the time of the year when people start doing some accounting on their own either for business or personal. This is when they found out that they have bad credit credit card or just running low on budget or anything. This is where badcredit comes in. They believe in giving second chance where as others don't so do take your chance with them. They can really help you out.
So much...
Lately, I have been busy but now I think I just blogged a bit about what has happened during the last few days. I think it was about two weeks ago, I checked out the calling cards rates. It is getting cheaper but I don’t know if it is definitely going cheap or not as things here has increase a lot in price. I love eating Cadbury ice cream and it used to cost around nzd6. Now it is about NZD7.15. Just see at the price increases.
Oh ya, I bought a textbook from online shop,, it is not that bad. Oh, I didn’t use credit card to buy if you must know. One of the payment methods was using paypal. It made my life easier. I thought about buying the textbook for two days. I guess it would be easier for me to refer or just read the notes when I am out in the field. How did I know this online bookshop? Well, I saw from smilecity. Seriously, if you are NZ resident, you should sign up for smilecity. It has rewards points which never expire and you can cash out the money. Of course you would need to verify yourself otherwise they won’t give you the money easily.
Sunday, 30 March 2008
Friend in need
Lately, I feel as if I am using too much money. Everything has gone up in price; you name it, petrol, dairy products, etc. Just this morning, my friend mentioned that she thinks the calling card price has also gone up in price. She mentioned that she is running low on money and need to budget and not spending so much. I thought that I should mention this site, cash advance where she can borrow money for the time being.
Apparently there are five different types of cash advance loans for those that fit in their situations. I think the women pay day definitely fit my friend’s situation. The site understands women’s cash advance needs and would gladly lent money to pay off bills, shopping or just going out with other girl friends.
Anyway, it is not just for my friend but those who are reading now, if you are in need of cash at this moment, don’t forget cash advance. The site can help you, just browse around to find the type of cash advance loans that suits you.
It's great as we are going to raise funds for ICF sister club in Fiji. It is an experience as there are a lot of things to be organized. I don't know about the others but this is like my first time handling this kind of event. I am definitely going to take photos and upload them so be patient.
Did I mention that I am going to ICF/CU conference? The theme of the conference is about love, sex and marriages. It is definitely interesting so I will be taking down lots of notes of whatever they are talking about. I will definitely share the notes here. Just give me time to put in words. The conference is this Friday night. I have 2 assigments to hand in and a test on Thursday so wish me luck. I just took a break from my assignments.

Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
I don’t know why when my flatmate and I asked a question and the landlord answers differently. Normally, we repeated our question in the hope of getting a different answer but no, we did not. I don’t know if he is just pretending not to understand and keep on giving the different answer hoping for us tenants to give in. It was just last night that my flatmate asked something. The third time, I re-phrased my flatmate’s words and he still gave the same answer. I know I did show this -_- face expression after that. Then, my friends who came over for potluck dinner mentioned that I raised my voice. I was like, yea whatever, I don’t care about what he thinks. If the landlord decides to kick me out from the house, it is even better.
My friends said I was really scary and they never hear me raise my voice so loud. Yea that is why I got bullied. Maybe I should raise my voice if I am not happy. Or not. I don’t know. If I do, then what will happen? Probably leading to something bad like big argument or end of friendships. Sigh, I just don’t know how to act. If I say this, it is my fault, if I say that, it is still my fault. So however it is, it is still my fault. In the end, someone has to lose and that happens to be me. Will this ever end?
Cool to have your own domain
Just the other day, my cousin was telling me about signing up to get a domain of my own. I thought the idea was great. It would be nice to have your own domain. My cousin introduced a website for me to sign up. Before I signed up, I thought how I am going to cope with this new web hosting. I really have no idea on how to deal with the layout of the site. One of my cousin commented that she felt helpless and almost giving up trying to deal with her website. But her sister helped and encouraged her to deal with it and in the end, she has a cool website. So I thought I could use this web hosting to help.
Actually, there are a lot that I think that could help me with the web hosting and also for readings. It is a normal website blog where you can read on other blog posts. The person has blog posts on themes and news on wordpress. I am going through the themes layout.
Monday, 24 March 2008
Get ready to camp
Wow, there were a lot of sales on things. I was really tempted to buy but I stopped myself. I only bought the things I really needed. Pyjamas were one of them. Mum suggested wearing a track pants to sleep when I go for my field trip.
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
I think it is good exercise
Going to the gym sounds like a good idea to keep fit and keep the weight on hold. But you know what, I didn’t realise there are so much work in order to keep fit. I thought running on the treadmill for 20 minutes is enough for me. But no, the personal trainer decides that I should do more than that. Actually, he did not decide, he just thought of the amount of exercise I should do. I think this could work. Don’t worry; I won’t exercise too much if it takes up my study time. Study should always be the first priority. I think I complained too much. Nevermind, it’s only the blog getting my complaints. Haha..
Yesterday afternoon, I went to one of the classes held by gym and I was so tired by the end of it. I felt that I lost 5kg at the end of it. I know I am exaggerating. It’s that I am so tired and I got no energy to move at all. I went to bed early last night.
My favourite
When I was younger, I like to listen to pop songs or even Disney songs. I know I love to listen to Disney’s princess songs, for example, Cinderella, Snow White and the seven dwarfs and etc. When I was in high school, I started listening to pop songs. It’s not that bad. Now I am in university and I start listening to hip hop songs. Partly because I do go clubbing. I think hip hop songs are really famous in clubs because they usually put the best rapper’s songs for people to dance to.
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
So sad..
Last year, my flatmate and I used to join this economics experiment to earn a considerable amount of money. This year, we are still planning to do the same but I can see no experiments on my screen. Where has all the experiment gone? I miss doing those and getting the money. Sigh..
Monday, 17 March 2008
We all like to play games
I think entertainment do play a huge part in our life. Don’t you think so? Entertainment includes games from board games to online games. I think computers are part of the entertainment. Why not? I use computers to entertain myself, for example going online to chat to friends or relatives on instant messaging or sometimes I do play online games like neopets. Actually I don’t play neopets, it is my sister who plays. Oh, watching movie at the cinema is also part of the entertainment. But anyway, I wanted to talk about entertainment on games. I don’t think we can engage in our life so much till we don’t play games. I mean just any games. I think when I was younger; I tend to play board games a lot. I like to play games physically because I can talk and laugh with my cousins or friends. Nowadays, I think I am more to playing games online. I could even play casino. Why not? I am grown up enough. I don’t mean that I don’t like to play games with my friends or cousins and laugh along with them physically. Sometimes I like to play computer games. I don’t think you can expect more than two people to sit in front of the computer to play games. I don’t mean you really have to play games on the computer. It is just that most of the games that I want to play are on the computer. Correct or not?
My cousin commented that I lost weight in one of my photos. Well, it is really wonderful to hear that. At least I went to the gym for something. I am going to the gym again this afternoon. A friend told me of a class at the gym and this is free. So my flatmate mentioned that we should go. Yea, at least we can use the free classes that they give. Not only am I exercising, I am keeping fit. It is better to keep fit and healthy. I am slowly losing the fat in the tummy too.
I just finished my assignment which is due today. I will be going off to uni in a moment to print it off and hand it in. Then, I will do some readings on R programme and go through my lab notes for a lab test in early April.
My flatmate came to my room just now and was listing out her assessments coming up. I thought she was really busy. I have less assessment but my assessments are worth more though. Actually, I should have taken 5 papers this semester but I didn’t want to make myself too stress. I know I will lose even more hairs if I make myself stress too much. My flatmate is already complaining that she sees a lot of hairs in the bathroom and there are only two of us using that bathroom. And yes, I can see a lot of hairs too.
Finding myself
I wrote this on Wednesday afternoon.
I am so sick of doing my assignment. It is only due on Monday but I really want to get on with it. At the moment, I have nothing else to do except doing this super-hard assignment. I bet there is going to be one assignment next week and it is going to be 20% assignment. Now that I mention about assignments, between my geology and stats paper, only stats has assignments. There are no assignments for geology.
I was reading a friend’s blog about how she was trying to find her place in kiwiland. It is really interesting to know people’s point of view especially they are also from my country. She struggles to speak proper English and speaking the slang here. Sometimes I feel like I don’t belong anywhere. I couldn’t say I belong to Malaysian group because I don’t really know what to talk to them and I cannot speak my mother tongue language properly. I can’t say I belong to kiwi group because I am starting to pick up Malaysian slang and they definitely will not understand what I am talking. I feel like I am being thrown in the middle. I went to the CMSA bbq the other day and oh man.. I feel like an outsider there. Seriously, that is how I felt. I don’t think anything you said will make me feel better. Maybe I am so conscious of what people think of me. Where is my don’t-care-attitude when I need it?
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Some more
I forgot to say something in my first post when I came back to NZ. Everything here increases in price. You name it, petrol, groceries, takeaway food, etc. Basically everything. So my flatmate and I decide to budget more and eat at home, cannot go out eat anymore.
Like to play?
So you have been playing online casino for quite some time. And you want to know reviews of those online casinos you are playing. Well, online casino reviews can help you out. They review the best online casino worldwide and rating them in terms of bonuses, game speed, graphics, security, etc. Players sure would want to have high game speed as high as possible so that is quite important.
I had a look and the different online casinos have editor rating, user rating, maximum bonus and payout. Isn’t this good to have them reviewing for you and you just need to choose whichever you like and play? There is also information on online casino faqs if you want to know about anything. But if you are new to online casino, don’t worry in fact; they have a beginner guide to online gambling. There are also online gambling tips for players who would like to know. So, don’t wait any longer and start playing online casino now. Hmm.. now I want to play too. I want to try my luck too.
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
About myself

With buzzfuse, you have everything in one. You can put photos, songs, and your blog. With buzzfuse, you can drive more traffic to your blog if you are thinking of having more readers and it is definitely a good idea. Do you know that they also have songs released on the web each day? You can listen to the songs there as well. Buzzfuse motto is “you create, we spread the word”. Now, isn’t that job done for you if you are thinking of driving more traffic? By the way, they have a March earnings pool that will be split among the top 100 buzzing items. $500 to best blog post, $500 to best song and $500 to best image/cartoon/etc. So it is not too late to sign up now and win those prices.
Monday, 10 March 2008
Do I want to do surveying?
Monday morning, I accompanied my flatmate to Immigration place. Wow, I didn’t really expect to see so many people queuing up. I thought why does people need to come to immigration everyday? My flatmate said they have problems but I don’t think people have problems everyday.
I thought it would be interesting to do a survey on people who goes to immigration everyday as one of statistics project. Oh, I just remembered that I am planning to take the stats course next year for the project that I was talking about. Never mind.
No, I have enough points for this year statistics but I need more points to complete my degree so I have to take this extra paper.
Are you going for camping?
Last year, my friends and I went on a trip to Abel Tasman. Before we went, we had to prepare all the things we need for camping on one of the nights. Bringing food is easy but how are we going to cook? This is where Woodgas Camp Stove XL comes in. The Woodgas Camp Stove is a unique new biomass cook stove for camping, backyard grilling and other recreational use. This stove is environmentally friendly, ultra-clean burning and uses 'free' fuels that nature provides. One of the users use this stove and love it so much that he bought more for his next camping trip. So this really gives me an idea for my field trips in the future.