Saturday, 11 August 2007


I have been inspired by a friend who takes intermediate engineering and still manage to balance her school work and work. Apparently, she found some odd jobs from Student Job Search and did earn a few dollars. Good on her. Because of her, I am trying harder.

We decide that we both will look for jobs together and work to find some pocket money. Not that I really needed. I just want the feeling of getting the money after doing some odd jobs. And I want to be able to balance school work and also social life.

I think Em and I seldom spend the time with the boys now. I am wondering what are they doing. Anyway, they are not free so who cares. I should try to get my 'don't care' attitude back. That way, I don't feel down or depressed when I am not doing something with friends. It's not my fault that they are not free, right?

Well, I should try to finish off my assignments. Then, tomorrow, I will be going to interview with my friend. I shall blog about it tomorrow whether or not did I get the job. Interview doesn't mean that I will certainly get the job. Ok, shall update tomorrow.

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